
Governance Treasury

All Capella Finance agreement revenues will be deposited into the Governance Treasury, and ultimately voted upon to determine how they are to be used.

Revenue Streams

Liquidity Pools

  • Capella Finance currently receives 25% from profits generated by Liquidity Pools.

  • 20% of all Cape tokens are Locked up for the Governance Treasury. All dividends will be used for growing Capella ecosystem.

Expenditure Patterns for Governance Treasury

All expenditure plans must be decided through a governance vote.

Execution of Repurchase

  • Repurchase CAPE using the specified asset balance in the Treasury;

  • Repurchase CAPE using the specified asset balance in the Treasury to the agent address;

Execution of Marketing & Sponsorship

  • Use of designated assets in the Treasury for Promotions.

Execution of buy back & burn $CAPE

  • Using 25 % of Governance Treasury we will buy back CAPE and burn them, until we buy 50% of all CAPE (500MM) back.

Last updated